Finding after school childcare is one of the toughest dilemmas a parent can face. And it is one of the most critical of all household expenses. When par- ents are worried about their children, what they are doing and where they are, it can cause them to be less productive in the workplace. In addition, homework can often create friction between a parent and a child with learning and or attention issues.
Effective after-school programs bring a wide range of benefits to youth, families and communities. The programs can boost academic performance, reduce criminal behavior, promote good physical health, and provide a safe structured environment for the children of working parents.
According to Shannon Duckworth, students perform much better in class when they are academically prepared to report on homework given by their teachers. Therefore, getting home- work done during the after-school program can make the evening more pleasant and relaxing for everyone!
Kids Zone assists students with homework, designs and administers pretests, increases the child’s reading comprehensive skills, and provides fun physical education.
As a survey question, we asked, “What improvement is needed for our after- school program?” Darian, a third- grade student, happily said, “Make the after-school program longer!” Most of the students attending the Kids Zone enjoy their time and seek to stay longer if given the opportunity.
In summary, Kids Zone fills an important gap by keeping our children safe from the moment school is out to when their parents return from a long day at work. In addition, Kids Zone helps children to improve academically, and it minimizes an achievement gap by the time they reach high school graduation.